You have a choice. For large, thin, flat, slices, grab the shank, or narrow end, of the roast with a towel or heavy cloth napkin and raise it at an angle off the platter. With a sharp carving knife held parallel to the bone, begin cutting away from you to carve flat, 1/4-inch-thick slices from the meatiest part of the leg. Continue until you reach the leg bone. Then turn the leg over and use the same slicing method until you reach the bone again. Finally, carve away any meat left attached to the bone. If the hip bone is still attached, again hold the shank with a towel or heavy cloth, with the meatiest part of the leg facing up. With a sharp carving knife, start at the shank end and make vertical slices down to the bone. Then turn the knife parallel to the bone and cut the slices free from the bone. Continue slicing toward the wide end of the leg. Rotate the leg as you go to carve the meat off all sides. As you reach the hip bone, carve around it.